Do you ever wonder where those pesky biting mosquitoes in your yard, or the park are coming from?
Mosquitoes MUST have access to water to successfully reproduce! More specifically – they need small amounts of water that are STAGNANT (water that isn’t flowing, and often contains leaves or other organic matter). They lay their eggs on or along the edges of the water in all sorts of containers: pieces of trash, bird baths, tires, kiddie pools, buckets, wheelbarrows, planters, watering cans, and much more! Mosquito eggs hatch into these small bodies of collected rainwater and are called larvae. These juvenile mosquitoes look like small aquatic worms and develop very quickly – becoming adults that emerge from the water within a week!
To keep mosquitoes in your yard reduced, you can empty and refill receptacles like your bird bath weekly, and you can be sure to empty items on your property of water and keep the number of receptacles that water can collect in to a minimum! It makes a huge difference and is the most environmentally responsible and affordable way to get rid of mosquitoes!
Not sure what to do with those old tires that are certainly collecting water and breeding mosquitoes? Mosquitoes LOVE tires – they are dark, hold water well in the bottom, and provide a cool safe place for some of the most human-aggressive mosquitoes to reproduce!
We are in luck! The landfill is taking tires for FREE on August 17th! This is a GREAT chance to reduce mosquito habitat on your property and to contribute to public health in a simple way that is totally free! Please encourage your community to utilize this chance to get rid of tires and to reduce mosquito habitat in our community, and thanks to the Augusta Landfill for providing this service!
Thank you for protecting our community’s public health and helping us at Richmond County Mosquito Control with prevention of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease.
View the full brochure here
Annie Rich Thompson, M.S.
Richmond County Mosquito Control