Welcomes you to the Second Annual National Healthy Homes Month 2017 webpage.
National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM) will be held for the second time during June 2017. This month-long celebration offers an opportunity to learn more about housing and its impact on health and provide resources to encourage local activities as well as empower families to protect themselves from hazards in their home. June’s outreach activities aim to greatly boost awareness and understanding of what federal and local resources are available to make a difference in the lives of all residents, regardless of where they live.
HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is coordinating the efforts of NHHM. Thanks to the support and collaborations with other federal agencies and partners; NHHM will provide a deliberate, coordinated and holistic approach to creating healthy and safe homes. Creating a holistic approach includes efforts to combine activities related to:
1. Childhood lead poisoning prevention
2. Residential asthma intervention
3. Injury prevention
4. Smoke free public housing
5. Safe indoor pest control
6. Radon Safety
7. Disaster Recovery
The target audiences for the scope of activities are comprised of state and local government agencies, nongovernmental organization, nonprofit organizations, property owners and individual families especially those with small children.
Each week in June; NHHM will focus on the “Principals of Healthy Homes” and associated set of activities. The themes are designed to highlight the paired topics. When you get your activities planned consider letting us know about them! We would love to hear about the event planning and results.
The NHHM Planning Guide was developed by OLHCHH as a “one stop shopping” resource to help organize and implement the outreach campaign. OLHCHH invites our stakeholders to get involved with NHHM, by reaching out to your audiences based on the Guide and your missions. Details on the target audiences, educational materials, and techniques to celebrate are key sections of the Guide. This year, an innovative series of webinars will be held during the month. OLHCHH is also launching a smartphone app, for stakeholder audiences. For NHHM important schedule updates, please visit