East Central Health of Georgia

East Central Health District

Funding Opportunity

East Central Public Health District VI

Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion Program

Tobacco Use Prevention Initiative


Announcement Type:          Mini Grant

Funding Amount:                 $ 7,500

Project Period:                     October 30, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Application Deadline:          October 15, 2016

Anticipated Award Date:     October 20, 2016

Contact Information:           Sadie Stockton   706-729-2055




The East Central Public Health District VI Chronic Disease Prevention/Health   Promotion Program announces the availability of funding to support the District

Tobacco Use Prevention Initiative.



Educate youth and adult leaders on the adverse health effects of tobacco

products and prepare the youth to become community advocates for

environmental changes.




Increase by June, 2017 at least 2 school systems within East Central

Public Health District VI that adopt the CDC model 100% Tobacco Free

School Policies.


Focus areas:

Glascock and Wilkes Counties



  1. Recruit adult leaders and youth from the focus counties to participate

in 100% Tobacco Free School Initiative

  1. With assistance from Chronic Disease Prevention Coordinator, organize

and facilitate 100% Tobacco Free School Training(s) for adult leaders

and youth.

  1. Equip adult leaders with appropriate tools to support youth empowerment

and advocacy for Center for Disease Control (CDC) Model 100%

Tobacco Free School Policy.

  1. Increase skills/knowledge to gain community support through the

development of community, media and school-based education


  1. Create opportunities for youth to practice leaned skills and awareness

techniques during community and school activities.

  1. Engage youth and develop tobacco-related educational activities for the

following: Great American Smokeout, Kick Butts Day and/or other

national tobacco use prevention events.

  1. Prepare youth for 100 % Tobacco Free School presentations to Boards of


8   Following CDC 100% Tobacco Free School Guidelines, assist youth

with the development of 100% Tobacco Free School Policy Promotion

Plan, 100% Tobacco Free School Enforcement Plan and Enforcement

Surveillance Plan.



Who Should Apply?

  • Community Organizations, Family Y, faith-based organizations, after-school programs, and/or any youth related organization with strong leadership, ability to relate to and influence peers and who are willing to organize and implement youth lead tobacco use prevention activities.
  • Youth should be in grades 9 through 12 who can provide strong leadership in their schools and communities.
  • Youth and adult leaders willing to participate in tobacco use prevention educational training(s) and community/school tobacco use prevention related activities.
  • Youth and adult leaders who display interest in healthy school policies especially related to tobacco use prevention.



  • Submit: a) Comprehensive work plan outlining strategies for youth recruitment, youth education, community & school based activities, presentation to Boards of Education, media campaigns, enforcement plans, b) List of partners, c) Project time-line, d) Expected outcomes, e) Budget and budget justification.
  • Attend required tobacco use prevention trainings and conference calls.
  • Recruit the following: Multi-culture, multi-ethnic youth in grades 9-12 and dedicated adult youth leaders.
  • Recruit adult leaders and youth from the identified counties to attend educational trainings (at least one adult leader and up to 4 youth per county).
  • Responsibilities include but not limited to: a) Organize youth and adult leader recruitment, b) Coordinate, collect and submit required documentations, (youth work plans, sign-in sheets, copies of media, meeting minutes, fact sheets, copy of adopted policies, policy enforcement plan, etc.) and b) Obtain liability documents from participants, participants’ parents/guardians, and adult leaders.
  • Submit documents to East Central Public Health District Chronic Disease Prevention Program Coordinator.
  • Provide technical assistance and maintain contact with youth and adult leaders to monitor progress in achievement of policy development and adoption by county Boards of Education.
  • Assist youth and adult leaders with preparations for 100% Tobacco presentations to community, schools, Boards of Education and other appropriate agencies.
  • Assist youth and adult leaders with development and dissemination of media campaigns (which include school newsletters, community newspapers, etc.) educational materials, school and community presentations.
  • Assist youth and adult leaders plan activities for Great American Smokeout, Kick Butts Day and/or other national tobacco use prevention observances.
  • Submit required progress reports by 1st day of each month to East Central Public Health District VI, Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion Program Coordinator.