East Central Health of Georgia

East Central Health District

Drive-Thru Flu Clinic Information

Drive-Thru & Beat The Flu

Tis the season, the flu season, and the East Central Health District is here to help you and your family prepare. We are hosting drive-through flu vaccination clinics. Please see below to print consent forms, get times and dates, and other frequently asked questions.

2021-2022 Flu Consent Form

How much is the flu shot if I don’t have insurance?

If you are uninsured the shot is available to you at no cost.

If I have insurance will I have to pay a co-pay?

No. Your insurance company will be billed for the shot, but there is no out-of-pocket cost for you.

What happens if you don’t take my type of insurance?

We accept most insurances. In the rare instance, you have insurance we do not accept, you will still receive the shot at no cost to you.

4. Do I have to be a resident of that county to receive a flu shot there?

No. There are no residency requirements. You may receive the flu shot at any one of our drive thru flu clinic sites.