East Central Health of Georgia

East Central Health District

March 12-16, 2018 is GA Preteen #Vaccine Awareness Week! Spread the word and get your teen vaccinated today. #GPVAW

Please Visit https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/child-adolescent.html#schedule for more info!

The Richmond County Health Department (RCHD) is soliciting bids for landscaping services

The Richmond County Health Department (RCHD) is soliciting bids for landscaping services and will accept bids starting Monday, January 28, 2019 thru Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Deadline to submit final Read More

Widespread Flu in Georgia – Protect Yourself and Prevent the Spread of Flu

World AIDS Day Opening Ceremony Dec. 1st, 2017

Lincoln County Health Dept. Closed October 12, 2018

  Lincoln County Health Dept. Closed October 12, 2018

Staff Development Day Closures

All county health departments within the  East Central Health District will be closed September 22nd, 2017 for staff development day. These counties include: Burke Columbia Emanuel Glascock Jefferson Jenkins McDuffie Read More